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Coming 2017: EMP Debrief Video


We are excited to announce that we are creating an instructional debrief video for the EMP feedback report. The benefits of this 10-minute video are two-fold:

  • Facilitators of larger groups and university professors can use the video to help debrief the instrument, allowing participants to get a thorough understanding of their results, even when dedicated one-on-one coaching isn’t available.
  • It also will be available to individuals who take the profile but may not have the benefit of a personal coach. In the absence of a coaching session, participants can use the video to help interpret their scores and draft a development plan. After watching the video, participants will more fully understand the feedback report and be able to identify which scales are important to their unique goals.

This new debrief video will be particularly useful to professors of entrepreneurship, their students, and even coaches and practitioners who want to deliver the EMP to larger organizations. Stay tuned!


For more information on the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP) and how you can use it with your team, please contact us at [email protected] or 727-864-8827.
